Indian Community School is committed to high expectations of learning and best instructional practices that place the individual student at the center of the learning process.  The curriculum resources adopted at ICS provide the instructional materials necessary to meet student needs and implement the School’s Mission, Vision, Seven Sacred Gifts, educational goals, and instructional outcomes. The primary objective of curriculum resources are to enrich, support, and implement the strategic goals and educational program of the school. Providing the best quality resources is essential for supporting teachers and students in order to attain high levels of learning, support academic growth, and close achievement gaps.

At Indian Community School, we continually review curriculum resources in order to provide high quality, authentic learning experiences that support grade-level standards, learning targets, course overviews, and integration of culture.  All content areas are put under review following the Plan, Do, Study, Adjust cycle.  At ICS, the process of adopting new curriculum resources is completed by a committee of staff members and stakeholders through a multi-step process.  The committee reviews trends in student data, researches best instructional practices, develops resource look-fors, and gathers feedback from stakeholders.  After careful consideration of several resources, a collective recommendation is made by the committee and reviewed by the ICS Board of Directors for approval.   








Really Great Reading (K4-3)

Teacher Made Units (K4)(Seasonal)

Wit & Wisdom (K5-5)
(pilot in grades 6-8)

Patterns of Power

Really Great Reading is a science-aligned, multi-sensory, and engaging foundational reading skills program. The program includes explicit instruction in phonological awareness, phonemic awareness, phonics, high-frequency words, spelling, and handwriting and is designed to help all students acquire the skills to become proficient readers. 

Home Connection Resources for Families

Wit & Wisdom® is a comprehensive K–8 English language arts curriculum crafted to help students build the knowledge and skills they need to be successful readers, exceptional writers, and effective communicators.

Wit & Wisdom Curriculum Overview for Families

Patterns of Power supports teaching grammar authentically with flexibility through rich literature and quality conversations.

ICS Literacy Units



Number Corner

Bridges in Mathematics

Number Corner and Bridges in Mathematics is a comprehensive PK–5 curriculum that fully implements the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics in a manner that blends direct instruction, structured investigation, and open exploration.  

Bridges Family Support

ICS Math Units


Carnegie Mathematics

Carnegie Mathematics is a math curriculum for students in grades 6–8, including students in advanced math courses. Learning during each module within the curriculum includes blended learning that engages, develops and allows for demonstration of knowledge through standards-based tasks.

Carnegie Resources for Families



Amplify Science

Mystery Science

Amplify Science is a K–8 science curriculum that blends hands-on investigations, literacy-rich activities, and interactive digital tools to empower students to think, read, write, and argue like real scientists and engineers.

Amplify Science Family Support

Mystery Science is an innovative, standards-aligned, hands-on curriculum that teaches children how to think like scientists. The phenomena-driven instruction helps kids to better understand and communicate about the world around them through writing, discussion, and exploration.

Mystery Science Overview

ICS Science Units



Teacher Created Units

PBS Wisconsin

Wisconsin Biographies

The Ways

Wisconsin First Nations - American Indian Studies in Wisconsin

Native Knowledge 360°


ICS Social Studies Units